
Psalms 126:5-6

Partnering With the Ministry

The Bible says that every man has received something from God that is capable of being planted, 2 Corinthians 9:10. Remember, everything that the Lord has blessed us with is to the intend that we become the extension of His arm to reach out to those around us. Our giving is a form of gratitude to God as well as our service to Him. We give as an act of worship to Him who has availed all things to us in CHRIST JESUS.

Financial Partnership

To be part of the partners of the mission of God please send your giving to the below
ACCOUNT NAME: Gates Of Salvation Church
Bank Name: FNB
Account number: 631 226 574 72
Branch Name: Riverwalk Plaza
Branch Number: 285267
Cell Number: +267 752 261 56/ +267 770 077 39

Time Offering

Bretheren, giving is not only limited to finances. One may offer their best time to God as another way Of expressing gratitude to the very same God who has granted them the good health and capability to assist with their hands.